Prize Draw UK Affiliate program terms and conditions

  • The Prize Draw UK affiliate program is run by Lucky Cat Media Limited, the company that owns this website.
  • The Prize Draw UK affiliate program is currently open to UK applicants only.
  • The rate of commission is currently 15%. This is subject to change.
  • Any change in the rate of commission will be notified to you by email and will apply to commissions earned after the date of the email.
  • Affiliate applications are subject to approval. Acceptance of applications is at Prize Draw UK’s absolute discretion.
  • Payouts are currently made by bank transfer, which must be to a UK bank account. These will be made when an affiliate’s commission reaches a minimum threshold of £25.
  • Prize Draw UK uses a 30-day cookie to track your referrals.
  • Affiliates must use the provided affiliate link to enable tracking of their referrals.
  • Prize Draw UK uses a ‘credit last referrer’ rule.
  • If a customer is issued with a refund and the affiliate’s commission is unpaid, the commission will be cancelled.
  • Prize Draw UK tracks conversions that result in a zero amount (for example, checkout of free competition tickets) as non-conversions.
  • Affiliates must comply with applicable advertising and promotional laws, including the UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising (CAP Code) and any guidelines related to misleading or deceptive advertising.
  • Affiliates must not promote Prize Draw UK through inappropriate or offensive content, including but not limited to adult material, hate speech, or illegal content.
  • Affiliates must not deliberately or knowingly promote Prize Draw UK to persons under the age of 18 years of age.
  • Prize Draw UK reserves the right to cancel an affiliate account at any time.
  • If an affiliate is found to be in breach of these terms, Prize Draw UK may suspend the account pending further investigation. If a breach is confirmed, the account may be terminated, and any outstanding commissions will not be payable.
  • Prize Draw UK reserves the right to withhold commissions if we suspect fraud or any form of abuse related to affiliate tracking or promotion.
  • This agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales, and any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
  • If you have any additional questions regarding our Affiliate program, please contact Jen at [email protected].

Terms last updated: 20th September 2024

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