Next live draw takes place: Sunday 6th October

How it works:

Register for free

Sign up for your free account and complete your contact info, so we can get in touch when you win!

Pick your tickets

Choose from our fabulous prizes across the website and pay for your tickets. Free postal entry available, see here for details.

Watch our live draws!

The winner is selected at random using a random number picker during our live draws streamed on our Facebook page.


From our winners

I’m still in disbelief after winning the Apple Watch! I have never won a single thing before. Watching the live draw was such a rush, and when my name was announced, I couldn’t believe it! This smartwatch is really motivating me to be more active every day. I’m tracking my fitness, staying on top of my schedule, and trying to use every feature it offers. Thank you so much!

Andy McNabb


I was over the moon when I found out I won the premium chef’s pan set! Cooking is my escape and these pans are a chef’s dream — even heat, perfect sear, easy clean. The prize draw was simple and so exciting to watch. Now, every dish I create feels touched by a bit of magic. Thank you for making my kitchen the heart of my home!

Rachel Barnaby


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Why your business needs to run a prize draw (and how we can help)

Running​ a prize draw isn’t just about handing out free stuff. It’s​ a marketing powerhouse,​ a way​ tо boost your brand’s visibility, grow your …

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